Thank you for your service ... you are honored and remembered.
"Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic."
Welcome to "The Door" - Blog Notes, Entertainment & One Man’s Opinions, Mike Morgan
Fmr.Councilman, City of Trinidad, California USA 2008—2012: City Resolution 2012-15
... Recently, Newsom indicated proposing a new tax on cigarette purchases throughout San Francisco to the city’s Board of Supervisors. This move is not just an attempt to make San Francisco a healthier city but a more lucrative one as well.
This tax stands out as the first municipal fee of its kind in the country—making San Francisco a national guinea pig for such a tax.
The purpose of the tax exists to offset the ever-growing cost of cleanup that it takes to keep the streets clean of cigarette butts. It would add 33 cents to every pack of cigarettes sold.
Weeks ago, when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger mentioned it may be time for California to “open the debate” on allowing the recreational use of marijuana, he lit up the eyes of legalization advocates everywhere.
He also peaked the interest of those who keep a watchful eye on the state’s budget issues.
The Office of Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a Democrat from San Francisco, claims an initial estimate of $1.3 billion in new revenue to the state if his AB390 legalization bill passed. A share of that would go to local governments, said Quintin Mecke, communications director for Ammiano.
“All sales tax would still be applicable, that’s not including local fees,” Mecke said. “Municipalities could certainly take advantage of that.”
Like the sign that used to remind us, as it hung above the exit doors in Town Hall, I suggest we "leave it at the door"
This means we air our political disagreements here, and inside the Hall, and then leave them as we return to our supportive community in one of the most beautiful places in the World - Trinidad California.
Here at "The Door", my Blog will help me learn more about issues important to us.
My personal site receives no City funding. I am committed to an open and transparent government process - all files here are for general information and entertainment and will always be public. I won't share private addresses, but they may be subject to legal disclosure.
“Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person elected into office in 1977. His speech, ‘You Cannot Live on Hope Alone’, still resonates to this day. Milk was assassinated shortly after giving this speech in 1978.”
"Gay Liberation" in the late 1960s and 70s was a virtuous movement, focusing on ending wicked bullying and violence of gay youth and adults. How was this virtuous movement hijacked?
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