Remember .. if you don't write a note, you vote yes - sneaky huh?!
Deadline: Wed., Feb.8 at 7pm - Public Hearing
Expensive rate increase for Trinidad water on the way unless you join me in protest. Don't let the City impose this increase on you month after month, year after year, without saying a word. Send this issue back to the Trinidad City Council, and ask them for a more conservative increase!
Remember, even if you don't write a note, you vote, but it'll be counted as yes by law.
The notice says: “…you may file a written protest with the City at, or before the time set for the public hearing. A valid protest must contain a description of the property (such as the address or AP number) and the name, address, and phone number of the signer(s). Protests should be mailed to: PO Box 390, Trinidad, CA 95570 or delivered to: City of Trinidad, 409 Trinity Street.”From Notice of Public Hearing via Trinidad City Manager (citymanager@trinidad.ca.gov)
Deadline: Wed., Feb.8 at 7pm - City Hall Public Hearing
Why I’m Protesting the Proposed Rate Increase
1. If you don’t write a note, you vote - City counts you as voting YES
2. One vote per parcel - No matter how many ratepayers are impacted
3. Crafted to generate ‘extra’ funds - If you give it, City will spend it
While I’m all for covering the costs of our water system and
paying for approved salary increases,
I expected more of this $20,000 study to reduce costs
and provide for a very conservative increase.
This has not been the case, in my opinion.
While I’m glad it’s more fair between in and out-of-town water users,
it’s more expensive for everyone.
The first proposal was to generate $100,000 extra - outrageous!
Now it’s targeting $50,000! Maybe try $20,000 first - see how it goes.
If we have a crisis, or need to pay for something specific, just ask!
Please feel free to call me with questions, or help getting your
‘NO! Vote’ submitted. Don’t go with the flow on this one, send it
back to the Council for a more conservative increase.