Check out the list: 50 Places of a Lifetime - "WILD PLACES": Coast Redwoods, California
Our special neighbors are featured in October's National Geographic Magazine too. It's a fascinating article - "Redwoods - The Super Trees".
NGM Blog: Redwood Stories

"Long before The Bucket List and 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, we sought to showcase those treasured destinations that every curious traveler should visit in a lifetime.
Now, in Traveler's 25th-anniversary year, we recognize the first 50 places and offer another 50 that speak to the transformation of travel since 1999--how we travel, where we travel, why we travel. Ten years ago, we could see the emerging signs of a new kind of journeying--one that puts a premium on sense of place, authenticity, culture, sustainability, and experience rather than mere sightseeing."