Monday, July 15, 2024

Fight Fight Fight

Trump — LEGEND!

We believe the fact that President Trump is safe right now is nothing short of an act of God. My heart tells me God intervened not just for Trump, but for our nation. Today, the future survival of the United States of America came down to less than a hair’s width in the path of a bullet.”

Today, we are sifting through the madness and bringing you everything we know about the terrifying incident, the alleged shooter, the tragic loss of life and how something like this could have happened. Trump's Deputy Director of Communications, Caroline Sunshine, joins us.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth

 Independence Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ””

God Bless the USA!

Trump Salute To America July 4, 2019

Love It, God Bless You, and God Bless America! 


2 links, my channel for the song, and Dan’s for the whole event!



Salute to America in 2019

Friday, June 7, 2024

$MILLION Boondoggle, City of Trinidad Manager Failure with Our Water Department

$MILLION Boondoggle, City of Trinidad Manager Fails with Our Water Department

for official City numbers and info, contact our City Clerk, Gabe Adams

I suggest there be a “No Rate Change” option presented.

In This Option: City Manager, Eli Naffah, is held responsible and finally fired; Water Department Operating Reserves replenished at $300,000 from our General Fund; New “guardrails” and protections put in place so that no future Council or Manager can use it for studies or drought bs ever again.

Until the Council and Staff completely sort out the staffing and Water Department monetary requirements, the General Fund continues to subsidize ratepayers who did nothing “wrong” — ratepayers should not be forced to cover the previous Council and Eli’s Million Dollar Boondoggle. Schedule a new Rate Study with Rebecca at GHD after staffing is complete and an investigation/audit is complete. In the audit, we need a complete timeline, rate increase criticisms, and results of both previous Rate Studies including resident letter protest votes.

We can, and should, do better.

City Governance Suggestion: The City Council should recognize our City Manager form of governance has failed Trinidad.

Staff reports the amount of money these 4 managers in a doz years (acknowledging Suker’s success) have cost us. We go back to what worked for 100 years — City Councilmen directly manage departments and governance, saving and replenishing some of our wasted money. If the City decides to hire a new City Manager, it must hire a fiscal conservative who has a proven track record. The hiring process must not be rushed to fill Eli’s firing. Create a new position and compensation for our City Clerk — Superior Clerk of Trinidad? This would easily get us through a year or two of City Council governance.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Gay Liberation Repost for June “PRIDE”

Gay Liberation, wtf happened!?

“Gay Liberation” in the late 1960s and 70s was a virtuous movement, focusing on ending the wicked bullying and violence against gay youth and adults.

“… and you, and you, and you, 
you have got to give them hope.”

How was this virtuous movement hijacked?Purportedly, to combat societal shaming, “LGB Pride” was rolled out. It has now become something else entirely. “LGBT…” implicitly aims to erase all identities and boundaries: male and female; straight and gay. Now, these confused people want us to accept vice as virtue. I do not. 

Community good done in the 70s has been overshadowed by a “woke” and degenerate infiltration, and we’re over the cliff.

Obviously excepting the violence and real-world discrimination gays faced, things were arguably better when we were just gays and straights. Now, I respectfully acknowledge “gay-men” or “gay-women”, the rest is ruined. That’s as far as I go with a group that I used to consider “family” — no longer.

Watch this:  

“Got Hope?”  Harvey Milk

California City News

“Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person elected into office in 1977. His speech, ‘You Cannot Live on Hope Alone’, still resonates to this day. Milk was assassinated shortly after giving this speech in 1978.”

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Peace Not War Trump24

Blessed are the peacemakers — Matthew 5:9



There’s that “34” (00:34) again πŸ˜‰ 17+17 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

No Climate Crisis?

There is NO climate crisis, no emergency. There are lots of exaggerations and lies.

Watch The Sequel Part 28: Climate Crisis, Janet Ossebaard, Cyntha Koeter

Rising CO2 doesn’t cause temperatures to rise, in fact, it’s after temperatures rise that CO2 rises. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thermonator The Robot Dog

Thermonator The Robot Dog. Ugh, what could go wrong? 

video: The Robot Dog With A Flamethrower | Thermonator

‘World’s 1st’ flamethrower robot dog gets remote control and LiDAR

The quadruped robot dog is armed with the company’s ARC Flamethrower and is now available for $9,420.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Trinidad Voting Precinct Closed? Who says!

Trinidad Voting Precinct Closed?

Who says!

Super Tuesday 2024

We were shocked to find no voting in town, not at the school, nor at Town Hall.

Worse, not even a public notice placed outside our city office or at the school. The City Manager had nothing to offer, but our Deputy Clerk made a sign for residents showing up after us. 

We’ve been voting here in town for decades. It’s one of our greatest Rights as residents and citizens — “the single most important event we hold in a democracy…” [1] CA,SOS

Voting in person and serving as poll workers in Trinidad has been a unifying experience for our community

For every Election, checking in, marking our ballots in public, and having them count is the minimum We, the People, should accept. #DemandBetterGetBetter

We should not just “mail it in” or drop it in a box to hopefully be verified, counted, and included some several weeks after an Election. And why is this ok now? Is it really because of some politically propagandized seasonal flu 4 years ago, CovID-19? We all know how misled, how scared, and how wrong many of us got that insane event. [2] CDC/CDPH/Graphics

Who decided we now have to drive to some McKinleyville “Voting Center”? Did the Council discuss, pass a Resolution or even weigh in on this mandate? Why not at least inform all of our residents of this change? It’s outrageous to only include some blurb on a mail-in ballot — not everyone gets these. Everyone deserves to know where to cast their ballot or obtain one in person.

Of course Tyler and I sorted out the County website and found where to vote for President Trump, but that’s not the point. Not everyone can disrupt their day for an hour, sort through webpages, and drive miles away to go vote, nor should they have to. 

We can and should do better.

Let’s get back to Election Day voting, one day, in person, paper ballots, no machines. I’d prefer requiring voter citizen ID and a way to audit/check my ballot image online after elections, too. #NeverForget2020 

So, “How do you knock out decades old

election corruption?” [3] Shasta

Take a look at what our own County neighbor, Shasta, has done — CouncilGuyMike blog post:

Notes and References

1.  California Secretary of State, 2024

Promote Democracy: Serve as a Poll Worker 

Before each statewide election, thousands of Californians sign up to help put on the single most important event we hold in a democracy. County elections officials depend on reliable, dedicated teams of poll workers to make every Election Day run smoothly.

High School Poll Workers

California Elections Code section 12302 allows eligible high school students to serve as poll workers on Election Day. Student poll workers learn firsthand how elections are run, and provide much needed support at polling place locations. They end their day with a better understanding of the importance of voting and the vital role poll workers play in making our elections run smoothly.

2.  CDC/CDPH Graphics & Memes

3.  Shasta:

Elections: Shasta Dumps Dominion

How do you knock out decades old

election corruption? 

With Common Sense, Shasta Showing California How It’s Done!

#ShastaCalifornia #GuardTheVote #NeverForget2020 #DemandBetterGetBetter 

“After gaining national attention for dumping Dominion Voting Systems and becoming the largest entity in the United States to resort to hand-counting ballots, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors…”

Monday, February 19, 2024


2Grooms?! stream clip: DEFECTED Rumble Rant. @BurningBright and @justHuman reacting to our wedding here in Humboldt next week.


Defected Ep. 59 @3:08:00

Sundays @ 9p ET - Burning Bright and Just Human take a Macro view of current events through the prism of Narrative Warfare, Game Theory and Fifth- Generation Strategy to help viewers escape [their] system of control and learn to program their own minds.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tying the cost of power to people’s income is Communistic!

No! Paying the same amount per kilowatt hour is morally right and fair. Tying the cost of power to people’s income is Communistic! 

California wants to tie bills to income.
That plan is making enemies
Story by Ari Plachta, 
The Sacramento Bee  •  16h

“Utilities, energy research groups and the Public Advocates Office argue that the current system unfairly burdens low-income Californians because they pay the same amount per kilowatt hour as the state’s wealthiest residents to access electricity, a basic need.”

Irwin said in an interview. “As opposed to arguing about how we rearrange this to make it fair, we need to look at the bigger picture and drive down costs for everybody.”

see: CA State law, AB 205,

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California is already home to some of the highest energy costs in the country, and those prices are only expected to rise as the state powers more of its economy with clean electricity.

Now a state plan to lower electricity rates and relieve the burden on low-income households, in particular, is sparking conflict among lawmakers, utilities and clean energy advocates.

At the core of the tension is whether the state’s three major investor-owned utilities should begin charging customers a predetermined amount for the delivery of power roughly based on household income, while lowering prices for actual energy use.

Supporters say this ‘fixed charge’ would shift more of the growing costs to power California on higher-income households. It will also keep overall rates down, they argue, to help encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and home appliances.

Opponents say the charge would punish those who have invested money in making their homes more energy efficient by installing rooftop solar. They also have privacy concerns related to providing income data to utilities.

California Assemblymembers Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks, and Marc Berman, D-Menlo Park, introduced a bill last month that would grind the state’s process on this plan to a halt, arguing that the legislature should pursue other options.

Irwin noted that something as straightforward as encouraging electric vehicle charging at off-peak hours can dramatically reduce the need for expensive grid upgrades that utility regulators say are needed.

“We’re shifting around the chairs on the Titanic,” Irwin said in an interview. “As opposed to arguing about how we rearrange this to make it fair, we need to look at the bigger picture and drive down costs for everybody.”

High and rising costs

California’s electricity rates are 25% higher than the national average, and nearly one in four customers of the state’s largest utilities are behind on their bills.

Utilities and their regulators, meanwhile, say the cost of providing power will only rise as California responds to climate change. Those costs, they argue, include defending the power grid against extreme weather and expanding it to provide enough power for millions of Californians to power vehicles and cool buildings.

Some California public utilities, including the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, already add fixed monthly chargers to customers’ bills to help pay for grid maintenance. But Pacific Gas & Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Southern California Edison rely almost entirely on revenue from energy use.

Utilities, energy research groups and the Public Advocates Office argue that the current system unfairly burdens low-income Californians because they pay the same amount per kilowatt hour as the state’s wealthiest residents to access electricity, a basic need.

It was this argument that led to a state law, AB 205, that ordered the Public Utilities Commission to study an income-based fixed charge at the three big utilities. It was slipped into a larger package at the very end of that year’s legislative session, frustrating lawmakers.

Now the CPUC is weighing two main fixed charge proposals. The plan from the state’s three big utilities includes the highest charges and is drawing the most controversy. Another led by the commissions consumer advocate arm submitted a more moderate plan.

Under the utilities’ joint proposal, income-based fixed charges for households earning $28,000-$69,000 would be $20 to $34 per month. Those earning $69,000-$180,000 would pay $51 to $73 per month, and those earning more than $180,000 would pay $85 to $128.

Under the Public Advocates Office proposal, ratepayers eligible for existing low-income programs who amount to roughly 30% of all customers would be charged only $7 a month and everyone else would see a $29 fixed charge.

Both proposals would lower the per-kilowatt-hour charges that customers pay to counterbalance the increase in fixed charges, structuring them in a way to allow lower-income customers to save money.

The fixed charge at SMUD, for comparison, is $24.15. Its overall bills are on average more than 54% lower than those of neighboring PG&E.

To fix charges or not

Irwin’s new bill, AB 1999, would overturn the 2022 law and prevent utilities from adding a fixed charge of no greater than $10 a month on customers’ bills to pay for the rising costs of grid maintenance regardless of household income.

The lawmaker, who heard from constituents who were concerned with privacy, said she was frustrated by the hurried way the policy became a state mandate.

“This was a huge policy shift. It affects almost every IOU rate payer and I think it should have had a much more robust discussion in the legislature,” she said, pointing to complications and potential legal issues with providing utilities income data on customers.

Yet Merrian Borgeson, California director of climate and energy at the Natural Resources Defense Council, noted that this policy option has been years in the making.

She said the PUC process has included multiple rounds of detailed public comments and the income-based piece was divided into two phases in order to tread carefully on privacy issues.

“This is a conversation that has been going on at the PUC, in the legislature and lots of other forums,” Borgeson said. “Ultimately this is one of the fastest and most direct ways we can address those equity and rate questions.”

Matt Baker, director of the utility commission’s Public Advocates Office, stressed the difference between the plan proposed by his office and that of the utilities. He said the latter is geared toward electrifying more quickly.

“Everybody is reacting to the utilities proposal, which I think would cause rate shock,” Baker said. “Our proposal tries to minimize the winners and losers.”

But environmental justice advocates aligned with the solar industry say they’re gearing up for a fight against any fixed charge, the same way they fought against California’s decision to slash benefits for rooftop solar last year.

“Anything that amounts to a bill increase is a burden on our communities,” said Esperanza Vielma, executive director of the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water. “At the end of the day who is this helping? The IOUs.”

The newly introduced bill, AB 1999, is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing. The energy commission is expected to weigh in on the various fixed charge proposals by July.


February 13th ©2024 The Sacramento Bee. Visit at Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.